No matter how good or ground-breaking a product, it will only make in the market once the values of the brand are communicated. Even if the marketing is top-notch and a lot of money has been invested, elements like aesthetics and storytelling are important.
When talking about consumer products, branding is especially important, considering the quick purchase and brand loyalty associated with consumer products. Let’s see how to brand a consumer product:
Having a clear idea of how your brand sets itself apart from the competitors is the key to a successful brand. How the consumers view or perceive your brand is critical when it comes to branding. Don’t copy what the competitors are doing, try to find what they are missing and leverage it. Is there something the consumers want but the competitor brands are just missing? An example is the popular cosmetic and skincare brand, Glossier, which did its research taking common people as subjects. They asked the consumers what kind of products would they like and what they felt was lacking in the products they used. From this survey, they formulated products for real women with real solutions. Authentic, clear, and wise concept to follow! Isn’t it?
Currently, consumers are not only attracted to the product but also the aesthetics of the brand. It could be the unique packaging, the colours of the brand, the mood or persona you would like to associate with your brand like vintage, 90’s vibe, boss lady mood, etc. It is truly your own and very much part of your unique story. A good example is Starbuck’s retro design which fits their narrative perfectly. It is important to have a consistent aesthetic around all your social media platforms, website, blogs, etc. A unique brand aesthetic can help grow followers and create a buzz among the consumers. It is all a great advantage!
It has been found that the brands with a thought-provoking story around the product generate more consumer and brand loyalty. Now, what exactly is a brand story? It is a narrative that encompasses feelings and emotions your brand evokes. An emotional telltale that will help connect with your audience on a deeper level. Popular Instagram famous hair care brand Gisou which sells hair products for the tresses like conditioners, mists, perfumes, oils, etc. is built upon a very interesting brand story. The founder of the brand Negin’s father is a beekeeper and her mother, a hairstylist. Combining the aesthetics of both her parents, she formulated Gisou hair care oils infused with honey developed from ethically farmed bees. And all the other products followed suit. She often makes the consumers have a look at behind the scenes on her Instagram where she and her father are keeping busy with the bees. Currently, the Gisou products are available in Sephora retail chains and on online platforms as well. Interesting!
Consumer products are everyday use products and it is but an urge among consumers to have fun in their otherwise mundane lives. A small moment like lunchtime or bath time should rather be fun than a boring routine. E.g., BOMB cosmetics create soaps with unique shapes and colours. Their bath bombs come in a variety of shapes from pastry designs to cookies and interesting oils and fragrances. Another company, PREDP has taken charge of making your lunch fun and healthy at the same time. Forget monotonous boring lunches and don’t have lunch in a hurry. You can order meals with health benefits, different every day and completely compartmentalised. Talking about making boring fun, how about a CBD hemp oil-infused coffee. Sträva Craft Coffee is making everyday coffee fun by this unique addition along with vitamins and amino acid.
A truly essential component of creating a successful consumer brand is taking feedback from the very consumers using your products. A lot of consumer brands forget to take necessary feedback from consumers and fizzle out in no time as the competitors keep in mind the consumer’s desires and needs. Even if a brand is successful, having friendly consumer service, feedback, and relations is a must for the brand to become truly a classic with loyal consumers.
Building a brand doesn’t come easy. It is all about patience, perseverance, and branding. Consumer products have a tough market to dive into, but if the essential steps are followed one can stand out from the competitors and break records!