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Elements of B2B Branding

B2B branding is crucial in this day and age for B2B companies to carve a niche for themselves in the market. We examine here the various elements that need to be considered for B2B branding.

1. Business Model Definition: The value proposition, key operations, key alliances, channels, consumer segments, customer relationships, and revenue streams should all be recorded.

2. Positioning Statement: Defining the brand's core emphasis, mission, core values, and specific emotional and associative characteristics to keep it from being a commodity.

3. Competitor and Customer Analysis: Determining what your competition is doing well and what opportunities they’re missing, along with key customer type definition (psychographics, demographics, and needs/goals/behaviours).

4. Develop Customer Champions: What works for B2B marketing is developing case studies, success stories, testimonials and using them across all channels of communication. It influences people’s minds when customers have good things to say about your company than you being the mouthpiece for yourself.

5. Craft your Elevator Pitch: Your elevator pitch is a brief compilation of 2-3 sentences that speak about how different your brand is from the competitors, who do you serve and what do you do. It is an essential component of branding as it brings into focus the essence of your brand and clarity. It should be short, crisp, witty and compelling.

6. Find appropriate emotional associations for the brand: B2B marketers too often overlook the power of emotions in their branding. Emotional associations related to a sense of security, social or peer approval, and self-respect can also be linked to the brand and serve as key sources of brand equity. That is, reducing risk to improve customers’ sense of security can be a powerful driver of many decisions and thus an important source of brand equity; being seen as someone who works with other top firms may inspire peer approval and personal recognition within the organization; and, beyond respect and admiration from others, a business decision-maker may just feel more satisfied by working with top organizations and brands.

7. Ensure Consistency of Visual elements: The various visual elements of the brand like colours, fonts, graphics, logos, images etc should be clean, interactive, easy to understand and attractive. Consider Google, which offers various services to businesses like advertising, G-Suite, digital toolkit, in-depth guides etc. If you notice their branding, the look and the feel is clean and modern across various media, the writing is simple and easy to understand with a user-friendly interface.


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